- A person who has been granted a licence for a warehouse under Section 58 of the Customs Act, in accordance with Private Warehouse Licensing Regulations, 2016.
- A person can also make a combined application for licence for a warehouse under Section 58, along with permission for undertaking manufacturing or other operations in the warehouse under Section 65 of the Act. The persons mentioned have to be a citizen of India or an entity incorporated or registered in India
The eligibility of a factory for manufacture and other operations in a bonded warehouse does not depend upon whether the final goods will be sold in the domestic market or exported. There is no quantitative restriction on sale of finished goods in the
domestic market. Any factory can avail a license under Section 58 of the Customs Act along with permission under Section 65 if they intend to import goods without upfront payment of Customs duty at point of import and deposit them in the warehouse, either as capital goods or as inputs for further processing.
- Customs Station to Section 65 unit: Bill of entry for warehousing. It is clarified that no separate form is prescribed for movement from Customs station to Section 65 unit as the goods are already accompanied by the Bill of entry for warehousing.
- From another warehouse (non-Section 65) to a Section 65 Unit: Form for transfer of goods from a warehouse as prescribed under the Warehoused Goods (Removal) Regulations, 2016. This is because warehouse which is not a Section 65 unit has to follow the Warehoused Goods (Removal) Regulations, 2016.
- From Section 65 Unit to another warehouse (the other warehouse can be a Section 65 unit or a non-Section 65 warehouse): Form prescribed in Manufacture and Other Operations in Warehouse (no. 2) Regulations, 2019.
If the imported capital goods are cleared for home consumption after use, is depreciation available?
No. Depreciation is not available if imported capital goods (on which duty has been deferred) are cleared for home consumption after use in a Section 65 unit.
The imported capital goods (on which duty has been deferred) after use in a Section 65 unit can be exported without payment of duty as per Section 69 of the Customs Act. For the purposes of valuation of the export goods, the same will be as per the Section 14 of the Customs Act read with the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules 2007.
The eligibility to export benefits under FTP or IGCR would depend upon the respective scheme. If the scheme allows, unit operating under Section 65 has no impact on the eligibility. In other words, a unit operating under Section 65 can avail any other benefit, if the benefit scheme allows.